Shop Your Plan | Tech-enabled medicare enrollment

Revolutionizing Medicare Enrollment

Domain Expert

Our partner Dalton Miller is the VP of Seniority Benefit Group, a family business that he grew up around. He knows medicare incredibly well and spearheaded the effort to build, adopt, and commercialize Shop Your Plan.

What we did

UX/UI Design
Product Management
Web App Dev

Relay’s role: a product team that helped SBG leverage tech into immediate growth.


Reduce customer acquisition cost by increasing sales efficiency. Top of funnel was constrained by synchronous conversations.

Manual entry process slowed sales velocity and required expensive synchronous effort by medicare advisors, limiting volume.


A digital onboarding product that automates and offloads much of the qualification process for medicare enrollment.

The product generates documentation for review, enabling medicare advisors to create a recommendation with five minutes of client effort.


Shop Your Plan was initially rolled out to Seniority Benefit Group’s network of corporate clients, and generated as many leads in the first three weeks as had been generated the entire prior year — and a generalized 4x growth in leads from these clients.

In addition, Shop Your Plan product streamlined qualification, reduced synchronous interactions, and generated pre-qualified data for enhanced decision-making, creating productivity gains in medicare advisors.

Shop Your Plan made an impression across the market at launch, generating demand for a purchasable product usable to other medicare enrollment firms. This SaaS product is currently in development.